Sunday, September 30, 2007

Still cookin'

So baby Springer has decided to stay inside where it's nice and warm. At least for now. I've benn feeling pretty good this weekend except for this evening. I think I was just really tried and over stimulated with all the construction and company. I had to lie down and missed dinner. This weekend Keith and Jan came to town to help with the renovation projects. The steep stairs were taken out and new steps are now in place. The banister and railings are started but not finished yet. The goal was to have the renovation completed enough to be able to bring the baby home. Now I feel the rooms are ready, the hallway and stairs are close. Stay tunned for more news! I'll do a belly picture next time.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The time is near

Jenny had a doctor's appointment today. We found out that things are progressing well and we can expect a baby sooner rather than later. After the exam we found out she is one centimeter dilated and 70% effaced. Since then she has had some sporadic contractions and discomfort. We'll be spending the rest of the night timing contractions and attempting to put to use all of the good information that we gained during Baby class this weekend.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

The weekend is here and the Springer household is busy! Keith and Jan are still here helping with the renovation and they've recruited a few more workers. Ryan and Nicole and Mike and Mary have joined the work force and the project is rolling right along. We are going out for dinner tonight to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary and the progress we've made on the renovation. Sunday will be a day of relaxation. The guys are golfing and the ladies will be hanging around the pool. Here's some new pictures.