Monday, October 29, 2007

The Big Decision

Originally uploaded by derek.springer
Well after 10 hours of pain medication free labor Jenny is officially looped. Since the doctor came in and setup the epidural she has had at least 3 contractions and could feel the pressure but not the pain. Besides making her feel more comfortable the hope is the epidural will relax her and speed up the dialation process. The current count is between 5 and 6.


Anonymous said...

I am drinking red wine to celebrate the birth and have a job interview tomorrow...joining your brother Matt with the drinking to take part in the pain (and the joy!).

We're keeping track on this end and sending you all of our love, patience...and any pain reliever possible!

Good Luck and Derek - take care of my friend!

Our Love,
Betsey and Alex

Ryan and Nicole said...

Hang in there Jenny! Glad to see you're making progress!

Ryan would like to add that apparently we're not the only ones that think Minnesota's too cold lol.

Nicole & Ryan

Anonymous said...

good luck to you. I am sitting here testing and looking at your site to provide some fun! just remember, it is all worth it in the end

Anonymous said...

Hope things are going smoothly now that you are comfortable. We could hardly concentrate during ECFE tonight! We are back and will be tuned in as late as possible.

What are the latest bets for birth time? Are you close to making the halftime bet?

Anonymous said...

Jenny, your mom just called us and wanted to know why we hadn't said anything on the blog. We just got back from DC, but are now in the loop. Glad to see that you got some relief with an epidural. We are hoping for a speedy transition period for you kiddo. All the best! Love, Aunt Joanne & Uncle Dana