Saturday, November 3, 2007

Jaundice update

Will is good to go! Yesterday he went to his doctor's office for a visit and his jaundice level has started to go down. The highest it got was 13 and was back down to 12. Dr. Daniels said he looks great and just to keep and eye out on his coloring, but that we don't have to retest! Today, I had an OB nurse come for a home visit to check William and I out and go over any questions Derek and I had. We all received a clean bill of health and got a couple of pointers on breastfeeding. William even gained weight! He weighted 8.3 when he was born, 7.12 when we left the hospital, and he's back up to 8.0 as of today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy News! Glad to hear everyone is getting a good report from the doctor!

Keep posting those pictures! He's adorable and I can't wait to meet him!
