Thursday, January 3, 2008

Photo Session

Photo Session 134
Originally uploaded by derek.springer
Derek's co-worker does photography as a hobby and set up a photo session for charity. We took Will to have a family picture taken, but we liked Will's solo pictures much better. Mom and Dad look a little rough. If you click on the picture, you should be able to view the rest of the pictures taken at the photo session.
As for how Will is doing, Great! He has great head control and loves to look around. He doesn't like tummy time too much, but we try it for short sessions. Will's favorite toy is his stuffed pig, Arnie. Arnie snores and talks in his sleep, so funny! Will is smiling and cooing so much now, it's my favorite part about being a mom. He is checking out his hands a lot and just found his feet tonight. He is a very curious boy and gets a very serious look on his face when looking at something new. One of the best milestones Will has recently started is sleeping through the night. He goes about 9 hours from the start of his last night feeding until he wakes up for his morning feeding. So, everything is going well here, we wish you all a happy new year!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the updated photos!! I was going to call you today, Jenny, and have you nudge Derek to add more pics. What a beautiful family - all 3 of you...Can't wait to meet Wil and see Mom and Dad. Come at the end of Feb./beg. of March - or we will miss you :(:(
Aunt Joanne

Anonymous said...

You guys are just so cute! Thanks for the updated photo!
--Kristen :)