Sunday, February 1, 2009

Will is 15 months

We've had a very busy weekend. Will got to experience a few new things. I took him to a huge indoor park in Edina on Friday night. He had so much fun and it really wore him out, his mom too! Saturday was a day of winter fun. We started the day with sledding at the park close to our house, then we went to The City of Lakes Loppet in Minneapolis. They have a 5K cross country skiing race that takes place on lake of the isle which is completely lite by luminaries. Then after watching the racers for a little, we headed back to Edina to go ice skating on Centennial Lakes. Derek and I wore skates and Will rode in a sled made for the ice. We had so much fun! Today is Super Bowl Sunday and we'll be heading to our friends house for a party later this afternoon. Go Steelers!! Check out Will's 15 month pictures on picasa.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Jenny and Derek (and Will),
I just found your blog from your profile link on Jennon and Beth's page and am so excited to hear that you're expecting again! (News travels slow to Africa.) :) Brian and I will be thinking of you and looking forward to seeing all FOUR of you when we visit MN this summer. Congratulations from both of us!