Saturday, October 20, 2007

Any day now

So, I still haven't had the baby yet. I've been doing a lot of walking. I went around the Mall of America about 4 times on Thursday and Derek and I just got back from an hour long walk around our neighborhood. Derek and I went on a date last night to a local french restaurant to celebrate our last date for a long while. So, I feel very ready, but nervous for this baby to arrive. My doctor said I'm 2cm dilated and fully effaced, now I just need to go into labor. Right now the baby is about 7 1/2 lbs. and hopefully I go soon before this baby gets too big for me. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wishing you good luck and plenty of rest! Take your walks, take it easy, and Uncle Dana recommends Derek take you for a car ride over lots of Railroad tracks! Sorry I missed you on the phone over the weekend, will try again later in the week. Love, Aunt Joanne